What’s in the Colander

In the Colander, 9 inches by 10.5 inches, pastel on paper - Click the image for a larger view

I worked with Nupastel hard pastels, and a  variety of soft pastels and pastel pencils on this piece. I can get lost in a painting, and I have to take a lot of breaks. I know by now that despite the thrill of the act of painting, I can avoid going too far down the wrong rabbit hole by stepping away and coming back with a fresh set of eyes. You can glance  at a bunch of radishes and see a clump of red roots, or you  can spend some time taking in the reds of every hue and shade and how they reflect their foliage. You might find the beauty of the way  their reflection was caught in an every day colander, and perhaps, even be inspired.  

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