
So thrilled that my painting, Home Alone, received an Honorable Mention at this year’s Tinicum Art Barn. Buck’s County has a lively art scene and it’s a lovely place to visit during any season. I’m getting ready to submit a painting to the Stover Mill Gallery’s annual invitational exhibition, which takes place over four weekends in October. While it’s always a tough decision deciding what to enter into any exhibition (and there’s always the possibility of being rejected, which happens often enough) it’s also incredibly affirming to be accepted and it’s always an inspiration to see the work of the other participants. I have a particular fondness for regional shows, each of which reflects a commitment to excellence and demonstrates the dedication of the organizers and volunteers who work so hard year after year to carry on the tradition.

Home Alone, and the other two paintings which hang alongside, Ribbons and The Usual Suspects are available and you may contact me for purchase information. 

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