The Milk Shed

I spent a foggy few days in Wiscasset, Maine over the holidays.  And as during every visit, I pondered the Milk Shed.  Once an ice cream parlor, the long abandoned Milk Shed  stands quietly on the grounds of the Stacey House, which was once upon a time the Wiscasset Inn.  The structure has slowly decayed over the past forty years, left largely ignored. But there’s something  nostalgic about its state, the way the building  holds onto the past even as it fades, and it was this quality, highlighted by the foggy atmosphere that drew me to reimagine it.

I used a combination of pastel pencils and both hard and soft pastels on this painting. The color of the shed is very hard to capture. There are many buildings in Wiscasset that use a similar palette and which look like they belong in a vegetable stew.

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